The Heavenly Man
Brother Yun (with Paul Hattaway)
This is the story of Brother Yun, a young man from a desperately poor family in China. The book describes what God did in the life of Yun, and what God did in the house churches of China. I do not know that I have ever read a book quite like this one. You will be moved and encouraged by what God is doing in China.
Mountain Rain
Eileen Fraser Crossman
The biography of British missionary James Fraser. He was a man of prayer and left a legacy of untold thousands in heaven and a thriving church in southwest China.
Through Gates of Splendor
Elisabeth Elliot
The story of the five missionaries in Ecuador. Whereas Shadow of the Almighty focuses on Jim Elliot, this book talks about all five. Excellent.
Shadow of the Almighty
Elisabeth Elliot
Jim Elliot was one of the five men killed by the Auca Indians in the jungle of Ecuador. This is a collection of his journals and letters. His passion for Jesus is off the charts. You will be inspired!
Let the Nations Be Glad
John Piper
Piper is a scholar and a pastor with a huge heart for the nations. This is an excellent theological overview.
Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor
Hudson Taylor was a missionary to China in the 1800s. He opened up the interior of China and had an incredible impact on that country. Here is the story. It is also the story of one man’s journey with God. He had an amazing life of faith and prayer. An unforgettable book. Like all the books on this list, it is worth many readings.
Miraculous Movements
Jerry Trousdale
This is the exciting story of what God is doing in the first decade of the 21st century among Muslims coming to Christ in Northern Africa.
Ying Kai and Steve Smith
Ying Kai and his wife led the largest church planting movement in history to this point. This is the story and the principles behind it. Written with Steve Smith, who also has led a church planting movement in East Asia. Widely influential book.