Building a Multiethnic Church (audio)

By Dr. Derwin L. Gray

Derwin Gray is a pastor in Charlotte, NC, an African American.  He has planted a thriving, multiethnic church.  He is a gifted pastor, speaker and writer.

Here is his basic charge:  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of reconciliation.  Not only reconciliation between sinners and God, but reconciliation between sinners.  Ephesians 2 and other passages underscore that God in Jesus Christ has now reconciled Jew and Gentile to each other.  This is an expression of God’s heart to build one new people out of a diverse peoples.  In our world today this means multiethnic churches of diversity. 

He makes a solid case that we can do more, that the church in America can do more to combat racism and monolithic churches.  He calls these homogenous churches.  Though we have some notable exceptions, there are too many homogenous churches that do not reflect God’s heart for diversity and inclusion, nor the reality of heaven where there will be one people of God made up of every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

The last half of the book is not as strong.  He is simply going over matters for his church.  Books do have to be a certain length according to most publishers.  But the basic message of the book is strong.