The Jesus Movement saw thousands of young men and women from the hippie culture coming to Christ in the late 1960s. The epicenter of the movement was a small traditional church in Orange County pastored by Chuck Smith. Thousands of young people were converted and baptized and taught the Bible. Many were sent out. The church exploded. Contemporary Christian music, with the soft rock of the hippies, was also birthed at this church, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California.
Since then, there have been innumerable church plants out of this church – all over the U.S. and around the world. Calvary has had enormous impact through its radio ministry, Bible colleges, youth camps, church planting and missions work.
It is indeed incredible how God has used Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel to impact the kingdom. Clearly, this is a tribute to a God-centered ministry, focused on Christ not man, that simply teaches the Bible and worships Christ. What a story!