Mere Christianity — Jeff Wells

Mere Christianity

It is difficult to convey my enthusiasm for C.S. Lewis.  Here is a man who was a specialist in arcane literature, a brilliant professor at Oxford, and later Cambridge, and yet a man who wrote books for children that are loved by children and adults.  Here is a man who was hostile to Christ, an atheist, who became, in his own words, the most reluctant convert in all of England. Here is a literature professor who not only wrote Christian books, but is probably the most influential Christian writer of the last century.  And this book, “Mere Christianity,” is his most influential book.

No one writes like Lewis.  Devoted to Christ, deeply humble, and yet strangely confident, brilliant beyond words, a marvel of lucid writing, always original, endlessly quotable, bold and courageous in saying what he thinks.

It is amazing the way God has used him and continues to use his writings.  It is just like God, to take an unlikely man like Lewis, and use him so surprisingly.

Re-reading this book, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I again found it mind-stretching and faith- building.  It makes me want to go through all of his works and re-read them or read some of them for the first time.

I thank God for C.S. Lewis.
