The Hole in our Gospel

Richard Stearns has written an urgent and passionate call for Christians to express Christ’s heart of compassion for the poor and the sick, the oppressed and the hurting.  He argues that we can make a difference; we must make a difference.

He argues that if we act as if Christ’s call is only to personal salvation, and not social revolution, then there is a hole in our gospel.  For Christ’s message is also a message of compassion and justice.

This is a fascinating, powerful, disturbing book.  It is having an enormous impact.

Stearns is the President of World Vision, the largest humanitarian organization in history and a Christ-centered ministry.

He tells the story of his own journey to Christ and then his reluctant journey from corporate CFO to the president of a ministry to the poor and needy.  These two stories are two of the highlights of the book.

But there are many more highlights.  Stearns is very knowledgeable about the pressing needs of the world.  He writes with wisdom and passion, with humility and boldness.

If you want to be aware of what God is doing around the world to meet the needs of the poor and diseased, and how he might use you, then here is a book for you.