Treasure God's Word

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Joshua 1:8    

Joshua faced the biggest challenge of his life.  

Moses had just died.  Joshua was now the leader of God’s people.  The Israelites were ready to cross the Jordan River and begin the conquest of their long-promised land.  This conquest would not be quick or easy and Joshua must lead them.  Undoubtedly Joshua felt intimidated and alone.  Could he do it?  

God comes to Joshua and charges him with the crucial ingredient that he would need above all other ingredients.  

Joshua, I have given you a Book, the Book of the Law.  Treasure this Book.  Study this Book.  Follow this Book.  Fill your heart with this Book so that you think about it all the time and speak of it in every situation.  Above all, Joshua, obey my Book.  The point is not to know my commands but to obey my commands.  Joshua, if you do this, then no matter what else happens, you will succeed.  I will put my hand upon you and you will have success in life.  

God’s message to Joshua is God’s message to you.  If you want your life to prosper, if you want true success in life, if you want success in the eyes of God, then the path is simple:  Treasure God’s Word.  Fill your heart with God’s Word.  Live your life by God’s Word.  

If you do that, your life may not be easy but you will have God’s hand on your life and you will know true success.  

There is no other way.