Wait in Expectation

O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice;

in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.

Psalm 5:3


Bring your needs to God. Bring your burdens to God. Bring your problems to God. Bring your impossible situations to God. Bring, even, your desires to God.

Don't hold back. Don't be bashful. Don't run and hide, Adam-like, when you feel unworthy.

Repeatedly, all through the Bible, God tells you to come with your requests.

So come. Come with your requests. Come in the morning. Come every morning. Come throughout the day. God won't grow tired of you.

Bring your requests. Then wait in expectation. Come expectantly. Pray expectantly. Ask expectantly.

Expect what, though?

Expect God to hear you.

Expect God to delight in your praying.

Expect God to care about your need

Expect God can take care of the need.

Expect God to do you good.

Expect God to answer your prayer, from a heart full of love, power and wisdom, in the way best for you.

Yes, pray like David prayed. Lay your request before God and wait in expectation.