The Heavenly Man — Jeff Wells

The Heavenly Man

This is the story of Brother Yun, a young man from a desperately poor family in China.  It begins with God speaking to his mother in a dream and the miraculously healing his dying father.  The book continues to describe what God did in the life of Yun, and what God did in the house churches of China.

The story reads like the Book of Acts.  It is the story of conversions and revival, dreams and visions, miracles and healings, intense persecution and all-out commitment to Christ.

I do not know that I have ever read a book quite like this one.  You will be moved and encouraged by what God is doing in China, and if you are like me, you will also be disturbed and challenged to be all that God wants you to be.

Don’t miss this incredible tale of what God is doing today.
