But the Lord sits enthroned forever;
he has established his throne for justice.
Psalm 9:7
God reigns. God rules. God sits on his throne. This theme is peppered throughout the Psalms.
God reigns over the nations;
God sits on his holy throne.
The Lord reigns; he is robed in majesty.
The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice;
Let the many coastlands be glad!
The Lord reigns; let the people tremble!
He sits enthroned upon the cherubim;
Let the earth quake.
The situation may seem dire. Enemies may be at the gate. But David remembers: The Lord reigns.
I can remember talking with Ernest McCollum. I was a young Christian. Ernest knew God very well. His teenage son had been in an accident and might lose an eye. He was concerned, of course, but he exuded peace and joy. At one point, he commented: "But God's still on his throne." In other words, God is still God. God still rules. God can be trusted. Ernest was not trying to sound spiritual. This was just how he saw life.
Whatever your situation is, remember: God is still on his throne. The Lord reigns.
Your teenager rebels: God is still on his throne.
You lose your job: God is still on his throne.
You face financial disaster: God is still on his throne.
You are diagnosed with cancer: God is still on his throne.
Your spouse leaves you: God is still on his throne.
You lose a loved one: God is still on his throne.
See the world as Ernest saw it. See the world as David saw it. See the world as it is.
God is on his throne. God rules. God is in charge. God can be trusted. God is big enough to take care of you.