And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.Romans 4:5
This is the third devotional in a row on Romans 4:5. And maybe you are thinking: Wait a minute! How can a holy God justify ungodly people? It just doesn't seem right.
The only way is the cross of Jesus, because on the cross Jesus paid for our sin. On the cross he took the punishment for the sin of ungodly people. John Stott once wrote: "How is it possible for the righteous God to declare the unrighteous to be righteous without either compromising his righteousness or condoning their unrighteousness? That is our question. God's answer is the cross."
The Bible does not teach salvation by faith plus works. Or faith plus being good enough. Or faith plus churchianity. Or faith plus baptism. Or faith plus anything. The Bible teaches that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. "And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness" (4:5). Faith plus nothing.
Imagine you are touring an enormous old castle and you get separated from the group. You are lost somewhere in the basement and you come to a big wooden door. You push but it won't budge. However, a worker comes along with a key. He turns the little key and it opens up wide.
Those who would be saved by works push against heaven's door but it won't budge. But faith is the key that opens that door at once.
Will you put your faith in Christ? Will you abandon your trust in yourself, your trust in you being good enough, and will you transfer your trust to Christ? O, do it now, dear friend. Lord, all my trust is in Christ alone.