Satanic Slander


For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
Genesis 3:5
Do you hear the suggestion in Satan's statement? "God is holding back on you. God is depriving you of something good. God is depriving you of something you need. God is not really good to you. If you obey God's commands, then you are going to miss out on pleasure. God cannot be trusted."
This is the satanic slander. It began with Eve. It continues with you.
Look at those statements again in the first paragraph. When you hear that voice in your head, do you recognize the source? Paul said we are not ignorant of Satan's schemes. This is his main scheme to ruin you.
Perhaps the issue for you involves lying to your spouse. Or a dishonest business deal. Or internet pornography. Or forgiving someone who has hurt you. Or an affair. Or marrying a non-Christian. Or divorcing your spouse.
In all of these situations, and a thousand more, you will hear the same thing Eve heard: "God is holding back on you. God is depriving you of something good. God is depriving you of something you really need to be happy. If you obey this command you are going to miss out. God cannot really be trusted."
Satan promises us pleasure.
He lies. There may be short-term pleasure. But there is long-term pain. He wants to ruin your life and devour your soul.
Think of the consequences for Adam and Eve - and all human history. Did he lie to her? Has he changed? No! He is a liar and the father of lies.
Do not listen